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All cousin marriages involving Gregoire Guillory 1712-1777
  Marriages Ancestors
NoDescent HusbandDates WifeDatesMarriage PlaceDateHusbandDates WifeDatesMarriage PlaceDate
1 2:3 Emmanuel Guillory, Sr. 1819-1899 Marie Denise Guillory 1820-19101837Gregoire Guillory 1712-1777Marguerite Hayes 0000
2 3:4 Nicaize Guillory Marie Simien 0000Gregoire Guillory 1712-1777Marguerite Hayes 0000

The table shows families where the husband and wife are already closely related, showing also the common ancestors. To view the relationships, click on the individuals, or to view the descent line of the common paternal or maternal ancestor click the ancestors.
† indicates that the relationship is only through one parent (i.e. a half relationship).
* indicates that the relationship is through an adoption or other legal relationship.

The descent column shows the number of generations to the common ancestor (husband:wife), so that

  • 2:2 is a first cousin
  • 2:3 and 3:2 are first cousins once removed (these can occur in either order)
  • 2:4 and 4:2 mark a twice-removed first cousin.
  • 3:3 is a second cousin (4:4 is third cousin and so on).

If present, 1:2 and 2:1 are uncle/niece and aunt/nephew and 1:1 are siblings and 0:1 or 1:0 are parent/child (if at least one grandparent is present).
[2] indicates this is the second occurrence of a person in the list. Clicking on the link will show just relationships involving that person.